The NDSM Open Call was born in 2018 from a mutual wish between Stichting NDSM-werf and Stichting Kinetisch Noord (NDSM Loods) to highlight artistic initiatives specifically from the so-called “breeding ground” of the NDSM shipyard. The NDSM shipyard is a place for art, culture and creative ingenuity, and the resulting ideas are often inspired by this ever-changing area and are of great value to its identity.
For this reason, the NDSM Open Call was created; the assignment has remained essentially the same in those years: submit an idea for a cultural intervention at NDSM. No distinction is made between art form, medium, subject, specialty, area of interest or material. In principle, the type of projects is also completely open: from performance, to art installation, to festival, everything goes and everything is possible. The projects must be realized at NDSM (in the outdoor area or inside the warehouse) and can be seen and visited by the public.
With this information under our belt, we've received nearly 100 submissions from creators and creatives at the site over the past few years. An ever-changing program council decides which entry (s) can be realized that year.
In the first year of the NDSM Open Call, no less than three entries won: The Birds - Hélène Min (2018), The Dutch Nightingale - Eibert Draisma (2018), The Street Theater Festival - Pieter Post (2018) (support).
De Vogels| Hélène Min (2018)
An animated film inspired by the Greek comedy of the same name that commented on the cramped city and meddling residents. From her studio under the X slope, Hélène makes birds from fish skins that become completely transparent when they dry. The light in the old slipway brings the birds to life.
In the animated film, two Athenians leave the city and call on the birds to build an ideal city in the sky. The subjects of Ancient Greece translate into the present in De Vogels.
De Hollandse Nachtegaal| Eibert Draisma (2018)
The inventor and designer Eibert Draisma is exceptionally inventive and inventive. His work is driven by an unceasing fascination with how things work and the why behind them. As part of the NDSM Open Call, Draisma created a proposal for an interactive songbird machine: via Bluetooth or Spotify, visitors can decide for themselves which song the Dutch Nightingale sings to them.
In the second year of the NDSM Open Call, several winners also emerged: Henk Schut — Right Of Way (2019), Babok, Guido Bevers and Carina de Wit — PolderCoaster (2019), Marc Faasse — Document NDSM Street Art photography (2019), Marc Faasse — Document NDSM Street Art photography (2019), Balthasar Prinsen — Ascending (2019).
Document NDSM Street Art photography | Marc Faasse (2019)
Based on the constantly changing street art at the NDSM shipyard, Marc Faasse with NDSM Street Art Document would like to photographically document the transition that the NDSM is currently undergoing.
Right of way | Henk Schut (2019)
Right of Way was a sound installation at the former skate park in the NDSM Loods (now NDSM Fuse). On this “attic”, visitors were able to take a break from the speed of daily life and urban developments in Amsterdam. Using a self-designed computer algorithm, a spatial game with 64 speakers was created with simple sounds. In the almost empty space, visitors noticed how they rocked the hall into a sounding board.
PolderCoaster | Babok, Guido Bevers and Carina de Wit (2019)
Babok was founded in 2005 to make visual theatre for public spaces. Polder Coaster is in the words of Babok the “absurd, theatrical version of a roller coaster in the form of an energetic, hilarious and highly interactive street show.” The NDSM Open Call further supported this project in 2019.
Ascending | Balthasar Princes (2019)
Ascending was an idea of Princes where he turned the North Strip of the NDSM Loods into the roof of a cathedral with arches. The North Strip has been called (an industrial) cathedral many times and Prinsen wanted to create a new place for silence, encounter and gathering where metal used to be melted and forged with lots of sounds. This project was finally realized in 2021.
In 2020, the NDSM Open Call must be adapted to a drastically changing world, due to the consequences of the corona crisis. The new assignment: “Visualize what the future use of public space might look like in whatever form”. It still needed to be publicly accessible, so this year the initiative had to be on the shipyard's outdoor site. The famous winner: The Museum of Unintentional Art (MOK)).
The Museum of Unintentional Art (MOK) does not put the artist on a pedestal, but the visitor and his imagination. They do this by placing everyday objects or compositions in a museum context. This often results in hilarious interventions in the public space.
The 2021 NDSM Open Call still had limited options due to the consequences of the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, there were two winners this year: Animal Factory by Luca Boscaridn (2021), and Public Air Filters by Anne Jan Reijn (2021).
Animal Factory | Luca Boscardin (2021)
With 'Animal Factory', toy designer made from the NDSM warehouse Luca Boscardin playful elements for the urban jungle of the NDSM shipyard by creating minimalistic animals. A positive picture at a difficult time when animals are taking over more and more cities, because people had to stay inside. The multifunctionality of his animal kingdom fits the use of the site; for example, they served as a play object, alternative sports equipment or meeting place.
Public Air Filters | Anne Jan Reijn (2021)
In cooperation with New Dakota, Anne Jan Reijn three large air filters in NDSM's public space. As a result, Reijn made the visitor think about invisible dangers in the air that we surround ourselves with and that we breathe. How healthy is this air really? By filtering a little bit of air into the public space, a question was immediately raised: is the rest of the air, which is unfiltered, perhaps not to be trusted?
2022 and 2023
Unfortunately, there were no winners of the NDSM Open Call in 2022. The last edition of the NDSM Open Call in 2023 had a longer production period, allowing the winners to realize their work in 2024. Creators Catarina Garcia and Jim Du Pan realized this year Under Pressure with half the crane as a base on the NDSM wharf. With this work, the artists highlight the cycles of transformation of the NDSM shipyard, an area that has moments of crisis and destruction but also stages of revival and redevelopment. All information about this work can be found at the culture page.
Also listen to the podcast episode NDSM X Caterina Garcia and Jim Du Pan.
Registrations for the NDSM Open Call 2024 are now open. Do you have a studio or workshop at NDSM and do you have a good idea? Let us know! Click here for more information about this year's NDSM Open Call.